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by admin on May 10, 2010

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yael saar May 11, 2010 at 1:19 pm

Dear Legislator,

I am writing to urge you to move the Midwifery Modernization Act – Senate bill S5007 / Assembly bill A8117 out of the Higher Education committee. The doctors claim the written practice agreement is necessary to protect mothers and babies, but with so much mainstream scientific research showing that midwifery care is equally safe with less surgery and lower costs, isn’t it clear that the doctors do not have my family’s best interest in mind?
Isn’t it obvious that they are simply trying to preserve their unfair advantage over “the competition”?
As a mother who cares enough about the preservation of birth choices to use precious nap time to take action on this subject, I am asking you to help this cause. Midwives are disappearing in New York State, while the rate of surgical births is at an all time high.
As the case of the St. Vincents’ midwives proves, OBGYNs do not live up to their claim that they are willing to back up midwives. When this is a problem in New York City, in rural areas this is even more acute. So as long as midwives have to get the permission of OB doctors to practice, my access to their safe and effective model of care is at risk.
I am not a midwife, nor a birth professional. I do not stand to gain financially or professionally from the Midwifery Modernization Act. I am asking you to stand for my birth choices so I can sleep better at night, and so that I when I get pregnant again, I will have the freedom to choose the kind of care that is best for my family.
The doctors have a lot more money and power than midwives and mothers . But you, as my legislator, have the power to protect the interests and freedom of your constituents. Please help.


Yael Saar

Dr. Anita Morgenstern May 11, 2010 at 6:36 pm

Both my children were born with the help of midwives. I wouldn’t have had it any other way. It is the safest, least interventionistic, most attentive way to give birth. Please protect our rights to have the type of births that have been proven to be safer than tradtiional hospital births, with fewer incidents and better outcomes.

Jacky May 12, 2010 at 2:34 pm

One of the main reasons that women elect to use a midwife in their homes, at birthing centers or in hospitals is to experience the childbirth process as naturally as possible. By removing midwives you remove the right for women to choose for naturla birth. This is a basic human right!

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